07. Divorce
We SPECIALISE in all divorce related matters - from pre- divorce counselling to all legal matters including filing for divorce-child custody-maintenance-visitation-etc.Our Divorce services are available right from the Family Courts all the way to the Supreme Court of India. We are experts in mediation & also have a very enviable record with regard to cases in the courts of law.
We are a very professional body, yet are very approachable & make very sincere attempts to minimise legalese. We understand that divorce & related matters are not just technical/ legal issues, but matters which need to be handled with sensitivity. Our attempt successfully has been to help the client understand in clear normal language, the legal & other matters involved. We make the whole process of divorce as quick & easy as possible & make purposeful attempts at avoiding/ minimising bitterness & acrimony between the parties involved. If divorce is necessary ,we believe in helping the concerned parties to focus on rebuilding their lives & getting on in their career, social & personal lives leaving the entire legal process to us professionals.